Founded 1943


The Toledo Artists' Club is governed by the Board of Trustees as outlined in the Constitution and Bylaws. Every member of our Board of Trustees is a thought leader who has made significant contributions to our society. Each one brings a unique set of skills and expertise to our organization. 


President–Joe Rudski

Vice-President–Elaine Scarvelis
Recording Secretary–Paul Brand

Treasurer–Linda Miller


Karen Hakel

Mike Clink

Joe Fisher

Kate Arnos

Bill Horvath
Leslie Dietsch
Trish Koelsch
Comfort Ofori Akyeah

Linda Jo Bosinger
Elaine Gregory 
Michael Hill
Shelby Stoots


Constitution, Standing Rules and Nominating Committee–Bill Horvath
Finance and Financial Development Committee–Joe Fisher
Marketing and Member Development Committee–Vacant
Membership and Recruitment Committee–Bill Horvath
Exhibitions Committee–Mike Hill
Education and Workshops Committee–Vacant
Technology Committee–Joe Fisher

Committees of the Toledo Artists' Club

1. Constitution, Standing Rules, and Nominating Committee

This committee is responsible for all facets of the constitution and standing rules. These include:

  • Annually reviewing the constitution and standing rules and proposing amendments as needed, presentation of the constitution and standing rules to the full Board for revisions and/or amendments at least every five years
  • Preparing slates of prospective officers for TAC’s elections


2. Finance and Financial Development Committee

This committee shall be responsible for overseeing all matters relating to the finances of TAC. The duties of the Committee include:

  • Providing a finance report for every meeting of the Board
  • Providing an annual finance report
  • Providing an annual budget for TAC
  • Participating in grant proposals
  • Participating in activities related to fundraising and donor recruitment
  • Overseeing monies and distribution of payments and collection of commissions resulting from sales of artwork

3. Marketing and Member Development Committee

This Committee shall be responsible for:

  • Marketing TAC as well as exhibitions, events, workshops, and other TAC-sponsored activities
  • Professional development activities for members 
  • Development of TAC
  • Overseeing social media activities and initiatives

4. Membership and Recruitment Committee

This Committee shall be responsible for all facets of recruiting and memberships. The duties include:

  • Recruiting new members
  • Reviewing the good standing of the present membership

5. Exhibitions Committee

This Committee is responsible for all facets of any exhibits sponsored by TAC. The duties include:

  • Arranging for in-house and virtual exhibits sponsored by TAC
  • Arranging for jurors and payments to jurors for all juried exhibits
  • Arranging for prizes ribbons and other recognition for award winners at exhibits
  • Arranging a prospectus for all exhibits which can be published on the TAC website
  • Arranging for receptions for exhibits
  • Preparing works entered into exhibits for electronic presentation to jurors and final publication on the TAC website.

6. Technology Committee

This Committee is responsible for all technology employed by TAC, The duties include:

  • Monitoring and upgrading the TAC website as needed
  • Reviewing from time to time components of the TAC website purchased from vendors for continued value
  • Educating members on the use of the TAC website for exhibiting yourself-promotion and other needs
  • Assisting the Exhibitions Committee as needed in preparing for and publishing exhibitions
  • Aiding in facilitating workshops and educational activities sponsored or supported by TAC
  • Reviewing needs and recommending replacing, purchasing, or upgrading technology-related equipment

7. Building Maintenance and Metroparks Relations Committee:

This committee is responsible for:

  • Attending to maintenance, repair, and upgrades required to the TAC facility
  • Establishing and maintaining communications with and attending meetings of the Toledo Botanical Garden Resident Organization Council and other interactions as needed.

Bylaws and Constitution of the Toledo Artists' Club

Standing Rules for the Toledo Artists' Club

Approved by the Board of Trustees, March 9, 2021

These standing rules are intended as an interpretation and elaboration of the Constitution of The Toledo Artists’ Club (TAC) and shall in no way be deemed a modification of the Constitution. A standing rule may be adopted, amended, or suspended by a majority vote of the board of directors.

TAC Mission and objectives

The mission of the Toledo Artists’ club is:

  • To promote fellowship by offering art-oriented and social activities for our members and those interested in the visual arts in our region
  • To stimulate creativity by offering art exhibitions, workshops, and art classes for adults and children.
  • To provide a gallery and other exhibition space in which Toledo area artists may display their works for public appreciation, evaluation, and purchase.
  • To stimulate public interest in the work of local artists through our exhibitions.
  • To support the programs of the Toledo Botanical Garden Metropark.
  • To interact with other regional art societies for the promotion of the visual arts.
  • To provide funds so that scholarships may be offered to deserving art students.

Annual dues

The annual dues for TAC will be fifty dollars ($50) for full members, ten ($10) dollars for student members, and a one-time fee of five hundred dollars ($500) for a lifetime membership.

Standing Committees and Duties

As per the TAC Constitution, TAC shall maintain standing committees as needed. Each committee shall have a core group of members that may be adjusted for ad hoc sub-committees as needed. Committees shall be composed of TAC members, Board members, and community members at large. Committee chairs must be TAC members of at least 18 years of age and in good standing. Committee chairs will have the same privileges as members of the Board of Directors. The President will serve on all committees ex officio.

1. Constitution, Standing Rules, and Nominating Committee

This committee is responsible for all facets of the constitution and standing rules. These include:

  • Annually reviewing the constitution and standing rules and proposing amendments as needed, presentation of the constitution and standing rules to the full Board for revisions and/or amendments at least every five years.
  • Preparing slates of prospective officers and trustees for TAC’s elections.
  • Any other responsibilities as directed by the Board.

2. Finance and Financial Development Committee

  • This committee shall be responsible for overseeing all matters relating to the finances of TAC. The TAC treasurer shall be a member of the committee but shall not chair the committee. The duties of the Committee include:
  • Providing a finance report for every meeting of the Board.
  • Providing an annual financial report within thirty (30) days of the end of the fiscal year (December 31).
  • Providing an annual budget for TAC.
  • Participating in grant proposals.
  • Participating in activities related to fundraising and donor recruitment.
  • Overseeing monies and distribution of payments and collection of commissions resulting from sales of artwork.
  • Any other responsibilities as directed by the Board.

3. Marketing and Member Development Committee

This Committee shall be responsible for:

  • Marketing TAC as well as exhibitions, events, workshops, and other TAC-sponsored activities.
  • Professional development activities for members.
  • Development of TAC.
  • Overseeing social media activities and initiatives.
  • Any other responsibilities as directed by the Board.

4. Membership and Recruitment Committee

This Committee shall be responsible for all facets of recruiting and memberships. The duties include:

  • Recruiting new members.
  • Reviewing the good standing of the present membership.
  • Any other responsibilities as directed by the Board.


5. Exhibitions Committee

This Committee is responsible for all facets of any and all exhibits sponsored by TAC. The duties include:

  • Arranging for in-house and virtual exhibits sponsored by TAC.
  • Arranging for jurors and payments to jurors for all juried exhibits.
  • Arranging for prizes ribbons and other recognition for award winners at exhibits.
  • Arranging a prospectus for all exhibits which can be published on the TAC website.
  • Arranging for receptions for exhibits.
  • Preparing works entered in exhibits for electronic presentation to jurors and final publication on the TAC website.
  • Any other responsibilities as directed by the Board.


6. Education and Workshops Committee

This committee is responsible for organizing and overseeing all educational activities of TAC and for arranging to oversee and organizing workshops sponsored by TAC. The Workshops Director and the Education Director shall be members of this committee. The duties of the committee shall include:

  • Contracting with individuals to run workshops and other educational activities such as lectures.
  • Marketing workshops and educational activities to the TAC membership and the general public.
  • Arranging fees for such activities to cover costs.
  • Finding venues for these activities if TAC’s facilities are not adequate for the event.
  • Assessing the TAC membership from time to time to determine what workshops and educational activities would be of interest to them.
  • Reviewing with the Board annually the rental fees to be charged to individuals holding classes at the TAC facility or under TAC’s auspices.

7. Technology Committee

This Committee is responsible for all technology employed by TAC, the duties include:

  • Monitoring and upgrading the TAC website as needed.
  • Reviewing from time-to-time components of the TAC website purchased from vendors for continued value.
  • Educating members on the use of the TAC website for exhibiting work, self-promotion, and other needs.
  • Assisting the Exhibitions Committee as needed in preparing for and publishing exhibitions.
  • Aiding in facilitating workshops and educational activities sponsored or supported by TAC.
  • Reviewing needs and recommending replacing purchasing, or upgrading technology-related equipment.


Executive Board

The Executive Board shall consist of all the officers of TAC including the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Committee Chairs. It is recommended that they meet either in person or through electronic means before board meetings to assess the needs of TAC and prepare for the meetings.

The Executive Board may also meet as required for emergency decisions instead of a full board vote, especially during the months that have no official board meetings. The Executive Board may request the attendance of any other members, committee representatives, or non-members, if needed, for further clarification of an issue. Only the Executive Board Members may vote on a decision made at an Executive Board meeting.

Conflict of interest

Conflict of interest arises whenever the personal or professional interest of a board member is potentially at odds with the best interests of TAC. Although the legal standards for avoiding conflict of interest for nonprofit organizations are limited, TAC will avoid where possible even the appearance of impropriety.

Situations may arise where board members are commercially engaged by TAC or hired by TAC for artistic projects, such as workshops, performances, etc.

Because these situations all involve a potential conflict of interest for a board member, it is the responsibility of the board member to:

  • Identify the potential conflict of interest.
  • Not participate in the discussion of the program or motion being considered.
  • Not vote on the issue.

It is the responsibility of the board to:

  • Only decide to hire or contract with the board member if they are the best-qualified individual(s) available, and willing to provide the goods or services needed at the best price.
  • Record in the minutes of the board meeting the potential conflict of interest, and the use of the procedures and criteria of this policy.

Although it is not a conflict of interest to reimburse board members for expenses incurred (such as the purchase of supplies), board members are prohibited by law from being paid for serving on the board. Generally, board members will not receive pass-through dollars for individual projects.

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