Founded 1943



Blue Water | Oil by Mahasti Jenabi

Join the Toledo Artists' Club

Joining the Toledo Artists' Club supports one of the oldest nonprofit art groups in northwest Ohio. The benefits of membership are many and the dues are affordable.

A black circle with a white border on a white background.


Membership Benefits Active & Lifetime Student
Membership Benefits YES YES
Display artwork on your own member page in our Member Directory YES YES
Enjoy the weekly studio and Plein air painting groups YES YES
Attend weekly art classes taught by experienced Club artists YES YES
Display and sell artwork at TAC Art Auctions YES NO
Receive a discount when attending a TAC sponsored workshop YES NO
Rent bin space in the Club Gallery to sell matted artwork YES YES
Use the Club’s art library YES YES
Vote at members meetings YES NO
Serve on the Board of Trustees or hold office in the club YES NO

Virtuoso | Acrylic by Carol Sicha, 2022

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