Founded 1943



A logo for a workshop drawing boot camp by michelle arnold paine



A three-week series

by Michelle Arnold Paine

SEPTEMBER 9, 16, 23, 2024

6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. | Toledo Artists' Club

5403 Elmer Drive
Toledo, Ohio | 419.531.4079

Toledo Artists' Club members $95.00
Others $110.00

Workshop Brief

In this class we will introduce and practice the skills you need to become excellent at drawing. Becoming better at drawing can eliminate some frustrations in painting as you become better able to plan compositions and analyze value within your paintings. If you have always wanted to learn how to draw, or feel you missed out on some basics, this class if for you. Drawing is about finding relationships and problem-solving, so learning to draw from observation is an essential element to enhancing creative thinking in all areas of life. The premise of this class is that everyone can learn how to draw. Appropriate for mature high school students. 

We will work over the three sessions to use a grid to enlarge a drawing to any size so that a small sketch can become a finished painting or a detailed drawing can become a wall mural. 

You do not have to attend previous sessions of Drawing Boot Camp to attend the current ones.

Materials to bring:

  • 9 x 12 or 11 x 14 drawing sketchpad
  • 12 x 18 or larger drawing paper
  • Drawing board if you have one
  • 2B pencil
  • 4B graphite stick
  • White Mars eraser
  • Kneaded eraser
  • Masking tape roll
  • 2 binder clips
  • 9” x 12” Plexiglas® with viewfinder (available to borrow from instructor with option to purchase for $8)
  • Dry-erase marker
  • Leather chamois cloth 5" x 7" (available to borrow from instructor with option to purchase for $4)

Meet Michelle

Michelle Arnold Paine earned her B.A. in Art and English at Gordon College and her M.F.A. from the University of New Hampshire. She has taught college students, adult learners, and high school students “how to see” since 2007. She taught drawing, painting, and design for seven years at various colleges in New England before moving to NW Ohio.

Michelle’s figurative and architectural paintings have been exhibited at 20 North Gallery in Toledo and Hudson Gallery in Sylvania, as well as many other juried and group exhibits across the US. She has recently exhibited solo at HeART Gallery in Toledo, Ohio, the Schnormeier Gallery in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, and Coram Deo Gallery in Omaha, Nebraska.

A woman in a purple sweater is standing with her arms crossed.

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