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Finding Light and Inspiration from your Photo References!

by Jill Stefani Wagner, PSA-MP, IAPS/MC

SEPTEMBER 10–11, 2022

9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. | Toledo Artists' Club, 5403 Elmer Drive, Toledo, Ohio. 419.531.4079

Toledo Artists' Club members $250.00.
Others $300.0

Workshop Outline

In this workshop beginning to advanced students will explore ways to create unique, personal works of art based on their own reference photos. Participants will learn how to find dynamic compositions with strong focal points and push color to enhance their vision. We will step away from the confinement of exact “copying” of reference materials and move toward finding our own interpretation of a scene.

Day One will begin with a short demonstration using a tonal underpainting to create a halftone “structure” on which to build a pastel painting. We’ll discuss how to crop into photos for various compositional options and how to loosely block in dark and medium areas that establish a value plan, before adding color.

Day Two will begin with another short demo using a colorful watercolor underpainting which uses complimentary colors to create an impressionistic, “vibrating” effect. After creating several value sketches, emphasis will be on students painting loosely and using strong marks to strengthen their chosen composition.

Download the supply list and recommendations.

Meet Jill

Whether painting landscapes, interiors, or figures, Jill Stefani Wagner’s primary focus is always “light” and how it affects the scene she’s trying to capture. Working in pastel and oil, she approaches painting as a sculptor would, carving out the nuances of light and shadow. An avid plein air artist, Jill paints landscapes in Europe and in plein air festivals around the U.S.

Jill’s paintings have been juried into many national pastel exhibits and have been honored with prestigious awards.
Pastel Journal Magazine gave her paintings six Honorable Mentions in their Pastel 100 Competitions. One of her pastel paintings was recently on the cover of Plein Air Magazine, and Fine Art Connoisseur and Pastel Journal often feature her work. She has been designated a Master Pastelist by the Pastel Society of America and the International Association of Pastel Societies. Jill has been invited Pastel Faculty at the 2016, 2017, 2019, and 2022 Plein Air Conventions. Her video 5-Step Pastel Painting is available from Streamline publishing.

Jill Stefani Wagner received a B.F.A. in painting from The University of Michigan School of Art. She owned an award-winning advertising firm in Ann Arbor, Michigan before “seeing the light” and becoming a full-time artist.

Let's have fun!

Click the button to download a printable supply list and pre-workshop recommendations.

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