Using funds from our Arts Commission pandemic grant and an anonymous donation, Joe Rudski and Shelby Stoots, Gallery Design Coordination, have been supervising the remodeling of our gallery at the Toledo Artists' Club. The old wall covering was removed, the walls repaired and painted, and a new hanging system installed. The floor is being stripped and polished, and the baseboards will be painted and reinstalled.
During the summer we anticipate that the Metroparks will repair and repaint the exterior of our building. When that is accomplished, Carol Sicha has volunteered to design and supervise the painting of a mural on the front of our building. These photos show the repainted gallery and a close up of the hanging system.
Highlights from the minutes:
The Toledo Potters Guild, pending final approval, is planning to have a pottery sale Mother's Day Weekend. Contact Nancy Grindulus if you have questions.
August 14, 2021 is the date set for the Art in the Garden day, an event that demonstrates art in all its forms, from artist demonstrations to sidewalk chalk, music, interactive and make-and-take opportunities, displays and exhibits. It is not a sales event in focus, though sales are not prohibited. The theme will be "insecta botanica". There have been conversations about a mural at the Artist's club, an art installation and/or raku firing at the Potters Guild, open house events and temporary sculpture projects. Herb society suggested tours of butterfly pollinators. Michelle Kipplen is looking into sidewalk chalk artists. This event still needs a chair. Kelly Savino (as past chair) will be happy to assist whoever takes on the role. Christie Clark is clearing the scheduling with Corinne.
Crosby Festival of the Arts will be held this summer, hosted by Toledo Grows.
For more information you can view the minutes here.
We will be sending more details about these events and others that are currently in the development phase.
Thanks for your support! If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Exner or visit their website.
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