Hancock Woodlands 2 Jennifer Sowders
ALL real works of art look as though they were done in joy Robert Henri (1865–1929)
Peggy Hadden The Quotable Artist
Last year the silent auction of our holiday baskets generated close to $1000! Your basket should have a minimum value of $40. Popular items in the past were small paintings, holiday theme baskets, gift cards, wine, and pet items. Be creative and do your own thing! Make it fun. “Most Creative” wins $50! The visitors will vote; the winner will be announced at the end of the event.
Basket Option: If you donate $50 to the club, Bren and Laura will be happy to make a basket for you and put your name on it. We love doing this! Please let us know by November 15. Note: If your basket wins “most creative” contest with this option, TAC will receive the $50.
We also do very well with sales of cookies, breads, and candies. Donate your favorite delectable baked goods to the club. Please bring them to the club Thursday, Dec. 5 from 11 am to 8 pm., or anytime during the event. The Toledo Women’s Art League volunteers will sort and package them for display. YUM! YUM!
Five tables are still available at the TFAS Cottage in the Artist’s Village. Includes one covered table and 2 chairs. You can bring your own racks; wall space is limited. The TFAS building will be decorated inside and out.
If you have any questions or wish to pay for your space, call Laura during regular business hours (Tues.- Sat., 11 - 3) at (419) 531-4079 or contact info@toledoartistclub.com
Come to the club for a memorial for Joe Fisher, to meet new members and view the current show,
Still Life and Aquatic Life Show October, which runs through November 27. Bren will present the award winners for the show. Bring a plate to pass; refreshments will be served.
Join us for an interactive workshop where you can explore the art of "doodling" for the purpose of creating art. Each session there will be a short DEMO at 6 p.m., followed by hands-on doodling. This monthly workshop is designed for beginners and seasoned artists alike, all sharing their ideas and providing support to each other.
Casual, fun atmosphere for mature teens and adults. Supplies provided or bring your own. Bring snacks and drinks if you wish.
$12 | Pay at the door. Reservations NOT required. Contact
info@toledoartistclub.com with any questions.
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