Sun on the Maumee, Oil, Paul Brand
SEPTEMBER 16–17, 2023
9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. | Toledo Artists' Club
5403 Elmer Drive
Toledo, Ohio | 419.531.4079
Toledo Artists' Club members $225.00
Others $300.00
For 600 years, oil painting has been the preeminent painting medium. Painting in oils has documented our cultural heritage and has endured and evolved through the advent of photography, the modernism of the 20th century, and the digital age. No other media gives artists the same intensity of color and breadth of mark-making possibilities. There is nothing more natural and enduring than oil painting." From A Guide to Studio Safety by Gamblin Paint Company.
"Chagall is my favorite pupil, and what I like about him is that after listening attentively to my lessons he takes his paints and brushes and does something absolutely different from what I have told him." Leon Bakst (1866 - 1956). From "The Quotable Artist" by Peggy Hadden
A variety of art forms will be demonstrated throughout the Village all day. Plenty of hands-on opportunities. Activities for the kids. One of a kind of art available for purchase. Chloe & the Steel Strings will perform and Jimbo's tasty Chili Dogs food truck will be there. Rain or shine, free and open to the public.
Here are some scenes from the Toledo Botanical Garden:
The festival was held from August 1 to August 5, with more than 100 participating artists painting in downtown Sylvania. Toledo Artists' Club members who participated included Paul Brand,
Paula Davis, Julie Draeger, Kay Kocher, Trisha Koelsch, Fred Lang, Donlyn Meyers, Ellie Miller, Rex Russell and Tom Sorrell. All the accepted paintings will be on display at Fuller Art House, Hudson Gallery and Art Supply Depō now through August 16, 2023.
Below are the award-winning paintings by our members. Click any thumbnail to see the painting larger and in its entirety.
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